967 Sqn Air Cadets

What are you doing this weekend?
Jul 18

Adult Staff Rank Structure

The adult rank structure provides plenty of options to suit all levels of commitment. Read on to find out more.

Civilian Instructor

Civilian Instructors (CI) are adult volunteers who are civilian non-uniformed members of the ATC adult staff structure who volunteer their services for a variety of training roles within the Squadron environment. All staff start out life as CI’s and it provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the ATC whilst maintaining the flexibility of no minimum commitment.

CI’s can hold a variety of appointments within the Squadron organisational structure, but are usually involved in Cadet training duties. They often bring to the ATC a vast range of knowledge and experience that they pass onto Cadets as part of their training.

Uniformed Staff

Once a CI has an understanding of the ATC they may decide to make the move into uniform, either as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) or as a Commissioned Officer.

Civilian Committee

Joining the Civilian Committee is another option for someone who would like to support an ATC unit, but can only provide minimal time. The ‘Civ Com’ is a legal requirement for each ATC unit in order to maintain it’s status as a charity and meets approximately once per month. To learn more about the Civilian Committee, click here.