As part of the Annual Dinner it has become Squadron tradition for out Cadets to write a newsletter for parents and guests to see what the Squadron has been up to in the last 12 months. This year is no different.
You can find a link to a printable version of the newsletter at the bottom of this post, alternatively, read on to find out what is in it!
JNCO Course
Cadets and staff from 967 Squadron have spent the weekend at Halton training centre near Lancaster learning to be the next Junior NCOs (JNCOs).
The weekend included a variety of lectures and practical activities including leadership exercises, drill and lectures covering communication, leadership and the roles of a JNCO. During the various practical activities the Cadets were able to practice the theoretical elements of the course whilst crossing a variety of shark infested pools of custard!
The Squadron’s Cadets were extremely successful with all passing the course and one achieving the accolade of being rated the highest on course which was an excellent result; as a result two of these Cadets were promoted to Corporal.
Flight Sergeant Jamie Wright said, ‘The JNCO course provides an excellent reinforcement to on-going support of Squadron leadership training, in addition the course is part of BTEC Public Services, a nationally recognised qualification’.
Cadet Development
Three of 967 BAe Warton Squadron’s Cadet NCOs were recently awarded with the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services, which is equivalent to 4 GCSEs.
Cadet Flight Sergeants Perry and Haynes both achieved Merits and Cadet Sergeant Heap achieved an exceptional result with a Distinction. The combination of academic and vocational activities includes participation in classroom based learning and assessments, as well as outdoor activities to further the Cadet’s experiences such as Leadership courses, DofE and physical activities including kayaking, fell walking, athletics and climbing.
This year truly shows the dedication and commitment of those amongst us as we can see from the fantastic achievements up the promotion ‘ladder’. Cadets Lenney and Heap both achieved promotions to Sergeant in November, as well as Cadets Howarth, Shields, Parker and Dickinson who all were all promoted to Corporal after being outstandingly successful at the Junior NCO course. Following these new promotions, we would love to present more of this Cadet development in the very near future!
Charity Work
Air Cadets of 967 Squadron took part in various charity work over the last year. On the occasion of Remembrance Day all Cadets participated in raising money for the poppy appeal, in various places, such as Lidl, ASDA and the AFC Fylde football ground. Cadets in total raised approximately £4280. As usual, the Squadron was involved in the Remembrance Sunday parade to pay their respects to fallen Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen.
Another event was bag packing at Morrisons where Cadets took part to raise money for the Squadron. The Cadets spent the morning raising money, achieving almost £400 thanks to their hard work and dedication.
“Well done to everybody who has taken part in the fundraising events. You’ve done the Squadron proud. Thank you and carry on the good work next year” commented Flight Sergeant Haynes.
First Class Weekend
New 967 Sqn Cadets took part in a weekend of adventure for the first time. The weekend included an excitement filled assault course, drill, orienteering, shooting and a lot of teamwork. This helped make our work more successful in First Class because we got to experience it for ourselves; we understood how to do things you can’t learn in a class room e.g. map reading and tent building. My personal favourite part of the weekend was orienteering because it meant working together in a group and solving questions but my least favourite which is hard to pick up is radio, this consisted of a lecture and then a practical this is just my weaker side of activities. “It was the highlight of the year.” Cadet Dale remarked as he attended the First Class weekend too.
Sergeant Lenney and Cadet Slater were selected to represent North Region Air Cadets at the Regional Hockey Championships at RAF College Cranwell on the 16-17th November 2012.
Cadet Sergeant Lenney picks up the story:
“We got up and started to get ready for the tournament at RAFC Cranwell. After a nice hot shower, we packed our suitcases and tidied the rooms ready for room inspection. The day started at 7.15am with an icy march to the Mess. We had a full English breakfast and I had to force Cadet Slater to eat some food as she was so nervous. After breakfast, we got our suitcases, put them on the coach and travelled to the pitch.”
“The team did the best that they could but, due to some injuries, we lost our confidence in some of the games. Whilst waiting to play, I decided to scare people by jumping out of the goalie bag when they least expected it, they all jumped out of their skin, including Slater! The day was long and tiring; North Region won 2 games and lost 3. We came 5th overall and Slater got injured once again – no surprise there! After we finished, we had a presentation for the Region and we were awarded our regional blues. After the presentation, we got on the coach and headed home. It was a shame to leave such a lovely & beautiful place.”
“It was a wonderful experience that neither of us will forget. We met some lovely people and seeing the RAF College makes me and Cadet Slater more motivated to achieve our dreams of joining the RAF. I am excited to be coaching the Junior Wing Hockey Team next year and Cadet Slater hopefully to be competing for Wing and Region once again for the junior side!”
On behalf of 967 Squadron’s Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant Steve Faulkner, I would like to thank the following Cadets for writing the stories for this newsletter:
Cdt Sqt Katy Lenney
Cdt Cpl Heap
Cdt Holt
Cdt Hiles
Cdt Perry