967 Squadron was recently awarded top marks at the Squadron’s Annual Formal Inspection.
All ATC Squadrons are inspected annually by the Officer Commanding their Wing, in the case of 967 Squadron this is by Wing Commander Steve Molloy and Squadron Leader Eddie Kay. As part of the inspection an assessment of the Squadron is made and in the case of 967 Squadron an excellent score of 7 out of a possible 7 was given.
As well as over seeing the assessment process, Wing Commander Molloy inspected and spoke to each and every Cadet during parade. Cadet Heap reflected on her conversation with the Wing Commander…
I felt privileged to have a  conversation with our Wing Commander.
Following parade, the Cadets carried out activities from their normal training programme, in particular taking advantage of the Squadron’s new leadership equipment. The Wing Commander took the opportunity to sit in on the activities, asking questions and taking a keen interest. The Squadron’s Civilian Committee were also in attendance to continue the planning for the Annual Dinner. If rumours are to be believed, the Wing Commander may be a raffle prize!
During final parade Sqn Ldr Kay highlighted areas where the Squadron should look to improve, re-assuringly these were areas which the Squadron staff are already working on, including participation in the BTEC awards and First Aid training for Cadets. Despite these areas, the Wing Commander announced to the assembled Staff, Cadets and Civilian Committee that the Squadron had received the top score of 7. An excellent result. Cadet Saxton later said…
It was good to be part of the Squadron when we received a 7 on our first annual inspection from the new Wing Commander and we showed him what 967 is about.
To round off the parade, the Squadron’s Commanding Officer Flt Lt Steve Faulkner, invited the Wing Commander to carry out the promotion of our two Cadet Sergeants to the rank of Flight Sergeant. Congratulations to Cadet Flight Sergeants Ruth Haynes and Shaun Perry. You can read more here.
Flt Lt Faulkner commented…
The Annual Formal Inspection (AFI) is a very important date in the Squadron calendar. Due to the dedication of all those involved in running the Squadron the Cadet experience at 967 is positive and filled with opportunities. The Cadets have taken full advantage of those opportunities and along with a solid performance in terms of administration and training set against the very real time contrainst staff volunteers have, makes this result all the more pleasing