967 Sqn Air Cadets

What are you doing this weekend?
Dec 18

Christmas Fundraising Bag Pack

Bag Packing 2011

Cadets, Committee Members and Staff from 967 (BAe Warton) Squadron helped Christmas shoppers pack their dinners at a local Morrisons Superstore in Preston last Saturday. After last years Christmas bag pack was cancelled due to most of the Cadets and staff being snowed in, the Squadron was keen to have a successful day fund raising….» Read More

Dec 18

Say Hello to Flight Sergeant Ashcroft

Flt Sgt Sam Ashcroft

Its not only the Squadron’s Cadets who are rewarded for their performance on the Squadron. Congratulations to one of our uniformed members of staff, Samantha Ashcroft who has recently been promoted to Flight Sergeant (FS). Since joining 967 Squadron from 2376 (Bamber Bridge) Sqn, FS Ashcroft has been working hard helping to deliver our First…» Read More