967 Sqn Air Cadets

What are you doing this weekend?
Jul 18

Adult Rank Structure – Commissioned Officer

Managerial roles within the Air Training Corps are usually undertaken by Commissioned Officers. These roles are wide ranging and vary considerably in the level of responsibility and commitment required, everything from running the DofE programme on a Squadron through to running the whole of the Air Cadet Organisation.

ATC Commissioned Officers hold ranks between Officer Cadet through to Wing Commander. They are appointed within the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training Branch), hold the Queen’s Commission, and are subject to the Air Force Law. Officers within the RAF VR(T) can be readily identified by a badge with the initials “VRT” attached to their rank slides.

Junior Officers

There are three Junior Officer Ranks as shown below. The Squadron Commanding Officer or CO is usually a Flight Lieutenant and usually has more junior ranking officers within a Squadron (quantity depending on Squadron size) to run specific areas of the Squadron such as training, administration, or other such duties as necessary.

967 Squadron has 3 Commissioned Officers, the Commanding Officer Flight Lieutenant S. Faulkner RAF VR(T) and two supporting Officers who both hold the rank of Flying Officer. You can find out more about the Squadron’s staff here.

Pilot Officer

Pilot Officer (Plt Off) RAF VR(T)

Flying Officer

Flying Officer (Fg Off) RAF VR(T)

Flight Lieutenant

Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) RAF VR(T)

Senior Officers and Air Officer Ranks

Squadron Leader

Squadron Leader (Sqn Ldr) RAF VR(T)

Squadron Leader

The rank of “Squadron Leader” is usually held by Senior Staff Officers within the Corps (at HQAC, Regional, or Wing Level). The Deputy Commanding Officer of a Wing usually holds the rank of Squadron Leader.

Within Cumbria and North Lancashire Wing, Squadron Leaders hold responsibility for a small number of Squadrons on behalf of the Wing Commander. 967 Squadron is looked after by Squadron Leader D. Irving RAF VR(T).

Wing Commander

Wing Commander (Wg Cdr) RAF VR(T)

Wing Commander

The rank of “Wing Commander” is usually held by the Commanding Officer of a Wing. 967 Squadron is within Cumbria and North Lancashire (C&NL) Wing. The “Wing Commanding Officer” of C&NL Wing is Wing Commander R. Anthony RAFVR(T).

Group Captain

Group Captain (Gp Capt) RAF

Group Captain

A Group Captain is the first non-Training Branch rank within the ATC and is a full time position, usually held by a retired RAF Officer. Group Captains within the ATC have responsibility for a Region, which is a collection of Wings. There are 6 Regions within the ATC. Cumbria and North Lancashire Wing is part of North Region which is commanded by Group Captain J Middleton BA RAFR.

Air Commodore

Air Commodore (Air Cdre) RAF

Air Commodore

The head of the ACO holds the rank of Air Commodore and is a full time member of the RAF. The post is currently held by Air Commodore Barbara Cooper CBE.